Allen Pannell
Vice President
Allen Pannell is currently teaching Analytics in the Haslam School of Business at the University of Tennessee. Allen is in the department of Business Analytics and Statistics and is the Amy Foster Memorial Research Fellow. He teaches undergraduates in introductory statistics and graduate students in Statistics for Research. As a faculty member of the Graduate and Executive Education (GEE) at the University of Tennessee, Allen is responsible for successfully leading consulting projects for clients, teaching Black Belts in the Executive Development Program, instructing executive MBA candidates in statistical methods for business decision-making. He was formerly the Director and Founder of the Master of Science in Business Analytics at Lincoln Memorial University (LMU).
Allen lost his wife of one year, Amy, to breast cancer in 2014. At the time of her diagnosis in 2011, neither Amy nor Allen had any knowledge or experience with breast cancer. When they met, Allen was pursuing his Ph.D. in Statistics at the University of Tennessee. After Amy’s experience with breast cancer, Allen changed his dissertation from business to breast cancer. He researched a key decision that was pivotal to Amy’s care. He completed his dissertation and degree in December 2015 with new findings that can extend the life of one in five recurrent metastatic breast cancer patients by an average of nearly four years. Allen is currently designing a clinical trial to confirm his findings.