Breast Cancer Resources

“Through Breast Connect, I learned that it is my body and I can pick and choose my team. Until consulting other members, I did not know I had that option. They let me know that there are many intersections on the trail, but the information they have provided has given me the power of knowledge to decide which direction to turn at those forks of the road. All members are in this disease for the long haul, but having Breast Connect’s support is both comforting and empowering.“


— Regina Halford, diagnosed March 2020


When you are fighting cancer, things we take for granted become a little bit tougher. A little bit harder. From buying clothes that work with reconstruction to cleaning the house while dealing with chemotherapy to finding that perfect hairpiece, a little help can go a long way. Here are a list of resources that our survivors found useful:


  • Find Clinical Trials in Your Area
  • VIDEO: watch one of our Breast Connect members discuss her experience with clinical trials

Many breast cancer patients have found that alternative medicine (or complementary or holistic medicine) is another choice in treatment. The goal of these types of treatments is to balance the whole patient through non-traditional treatment options: diet and nutrition, acupuncture and massage, and many other options.


Often the focus in the use of these treatments is to relieve the symptoms and side effects of the traditional treatments and improve the overall quality of a patient’s life. We strongly encourage you to speak to your doctors about their recommendations. Other links to local resources are included here:











Planning ahead is vital for your family. Advance directives are legal documents that you can use to make sure your loved ones know your wishes around your medical care in the event that you cannot communicate. Some of the most common directives are Living Will, Advance Care Plan, Medical Power of Attorney, and Appointment of Health Care Agent.


The legal documents may be different from state to state, but in Tennessee, forms can be found here. You can also contact your attorney.
